10 Things I’ve Learnt In Lockdown

Kam Johal
4 min readJan 21, 2021


In 2020, most of the world’s population faced some type of restrictions on our ability to travel and meet people. I’ve lost count of the number of lockdowns we have been in, and by the time this lockdown ends, it’ll be a year since this pandemic hit our shores.

The ability to travel where and whenever we like is a freedom which we took for granted, like many other things in life we don’t value it until it’s gone. But we’re an adaptable species, so we quickly adjust our behaviour to suit the environment.

I only worry about what I can control as there is little I can do about the things I can’t. I followed the news about the pandemic avidly as it started spreading across the globe. I stopped going to the gym and my office 10 days before the UK government announced the lockdown in March 2020. I picked up my twins from London as soon as their respective employers announced they could work from home, making my family as safe as possible.

After spending the first three weeks in complete isolation with the family, I decided to return to the office and continue my work from there as I could not get into ‘work mode’ at home. I felt it was safe as I had a private office and no one else was in the building apart from my business partner and the receptionist. Over those first few months, things were tough but the business grew exponentially as I had already moved the coaching business online.

Without having events to arrange, attend and having nowhere to go after work, we were all forced to be home each and every evening and meal times became a real family affair. It was spring and we made full use of the garden by eating out whenever the British weather would allow.

It’s almost one year since we arrived at this position and there has been some let-up in the restrictions from time to time but at the time of writing, we’re once again in lockdown in Britain.

During the past year, I’ve had time to consider my life more deeply than ever before and I’m beginning to realise what’s important to me and what’s not, what really matters and what doesn’t. The direction in which my life is going, my relationships with family and friends, my place in the community and all those possessions I hold dear and think represent me, and my status like the home I live in and the car that I drive.

I felt at a time when we needed spiritual guidance and support the most , the government was wrong to close down places of worship. But being an action taker, I approached the president of my local Gurudwara to provide a virtual service that I could live stream to our congregation on a Sunday morning. I set up a Facebook live into the community I’d set up years earlier and posted the link to everyone I was connected to. The lives were watched by more people than the attendances that The Gurudwara has ever seen.

Almost a year on I’m living a life like you, without travel, socialising, real shopping (not that online nonsense!) and not being able to see family and friends amongst many other activities that I took for granted. But I’m a life long student and I believe everything happens for a reason. There are lessons to be learnt from this situation, as there are in every single day that we are alive.

I’ve summarised it down to the 10 things, I’m sure I’m not alone in reflecting on life during these challenging times. I want to quieten my life down and concentrate on things that really matter to me when we come out of this and no longer take my charmed life for granted. If you struggling right now, remember this too shall pass, you are strong, not weak.

Here Are My 10 Things I’ve Learnt In Lockdown So Far

  1. I’m very fortunate to be living in this great country.
  2. My home is just a house without entertaining my friends and family
  3. My Tesla is just a car without travelling to see friends and places.
  4. Thank god I learnt to save ‘for a rainy day’ because when it rains, it pours.
  5. My ‘real’ friends will always be there come what may
  6. I don’t need to eat out three times a week.
  7. I consume far more than I need
  8. I will travel even more when this is over, because one day I may not be able to.
  9. People in my life are far more than the things I own.
  10. Spending time with myself is enlightening for my soul

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog.

I’d love to hear about your experiences of lockdown and the lessons you’ve learnt, until next time my friend.



Kam Johal

Coaching Reimagined | I want to help you create the best life you can possibly have. I’m not here to create dependency, I’m here to get you to the next level!