7 Secrets To Achieve Your Goals

Kam Johal
6 min readFeb 3, 2021


Ever wondered why some people seem to set and achieve goal after goal and you get stuck at the first hurdle?

In this article, I, Kam Johal, will be sharing the 7 ways to achieve your goals.

Like most things in life, almost everything is very difficult until you learn how to do it. Like the first things you learned — walking and talking, you started to crawl and then walk by hanging onto things and people, you definitely fell over on more than one occasion and it may even have hurt if you hit anything on the way down. But you didn’t quit, did you? What if you fell down a few times and your parents said, “ look you keep falling down, this walking thing just isn’t for you, just keep crawling, and don’t try walking again, you’ll just keep falling down.

It’s just the same as learning to talk, you started making noises and grunting some words like dada or mama and eventually got the hang of it. Had your parents said you can't do that talking stuff, you’re simply not cut out for it so don’t bother. Yet when we get older, we make all sorts of excuses as to why we can’t do something after a few goes. What the hell happened to you? You didn’t quit learning to walk, talk, read, ride a bike, swim!!

The thing is, you didn’t have any thoughts about why you couldn’t do it, the conditioning learning to be embarrassed or fear of failure hadn’t taken hold of you then, you simply tried until you could do it, and everyone else around you was doing it too so you had others to model your behaviour on.

So most things are really difficult until you learn how to do them and then they become easy, the only time you fail is if you quit. Failure is one hindered percent assured if you quit. If you don’t the chances of success increase with every go.

So what’s the secret sauce?

Is there a shortcut or hack you need to know about? Well, I’m sorry to burst your bubble but all that stuff is only for click bait and advertising. The real success in achieving your goals comes from following a series of predetermined steps that you need to follow and then just like learning to ride a bike, your success is assured.

1. Get Angry

Why do want to achieve this? What will it give you, it’s a classic what’s in it for me (WIFM). We’re looking for your why? And if your why is big enough, you will go through any amount out of pain to achieve your goals.

2. Focus

Make this your number 1 and only priority, concentrating on a single goal at a time will allow you to give 100% energy to your goal. Don’t let any other outcome be an option, burn the boats and take the island as the only alternative is to drown in the sea if you fail.

3. Get Clear

Be clear as to what you want to achieve and by when. There’s no room for ambiguity, your brain can’t deal with vague instructions. If you want to lose weight, issue instructions as to how much weight and by what date — make it black and white as there’s no room for any shades of grey here.

4. Ditch Plan B

This one may be controversial but having an out, or a plan B will tell your brain there’s an easier alternative. Your body and brain will always take the path of least resistance. So no plan B. Burn the boats and the only course of action is to succeed.

5. Put In The Work

Getting yourself prepared will greatly improve your chances of success so get all the tools you need to achieve your goal. If say your goal is to quit drinking alcohol as mine was over two years ago, I cleared out all the alcohol in my house, I stopped going into bars and started taking all my meetings in coffee shops rather than hotel bars. I also read every book I could find on quitting and I bought a quit drinking course.

6. Behave Like You’ve Won

Know what result you’re looking for and what it will give you. One of my coaching clients wanted to lose weight, but almost every adult in the western world has a few pounds they want to shed, to say “I want to lose weight” is simply not a clear enough instruction to yourself. Instead, set a deadline for when you need to complete your goal and what the goal is. In the the case of my client, it was to shed 85 kilo grams of weight, no mean feat to lose almost half your body weight. We slept it into two, his total body weigh was 185Kg. We set a target to lose 35 Kg by he end of 2020 and the remaining 50 Kg in 2021. So far, we achieved the 35 Kg and are now working on he remaining 50 Kg.

7. What’s Next

As soon as you achieve our first goal make sure you have the next one lined up. The reason for this is once you have achieved the first goal you now have the formula and discipline to achieve anything so carry on and improve every area of your life to create a new more fulfilling one. I always set a number of goals with my clients and work on them over the course of a year. So take the holistic approach to fix every area of your life.

So now I’ve covered the top secrets to achieving your goals, let me ask you this…

Are you being honest with yourself?

I ask this because I see so many people working towards their goals, or they say they are but aren’t getting the results. Why is that? The reason being they are not being 100% honest with themselves based on their actions or rather lack actions. If you’re struggling right now and let’s face it, most of us have at some point in our lives., ask yourself the following question.

Am I going ALL in with my goals? Whether it be life, business, health, finances, or anything else. From my experience, the ones who achieve the best results are those who are fully committed to their goals. No question about it!

Yes, working at 50% of your potential can see you make some progress but it will be slow and for the short term. Those committing at just 50% will come to realise that not working as hard as they can, will reflect in their results. To put it simply, at 50% you’re dragging out the process because you’re stopping yourself from going ‘all guns blazing’. It’s counterproductive and honestly, I find people that do this are simply wasting time…

What’s the point?

You’ll lose motivation and confidence, all because you couldn’t be arsed at the time. If success in business and overall happiness was so easy, everyone would be doing it. But it takes determination, sacrifice and motive to get the things you want in life. And think about it, you can’t be upset by the results you didn’t get, with the work you didn’t do. You see if you are truly committed to your goal(s), you must leave no alternative and go forward FULL TILT towards achieving your goal(s)- burn the boats as it were!

I’ve said it before, it’s not easy but it’s well worth putting 100% energy and effort into something you consider a goal. Make it a priority if it’s taking up your time to think about it. If you like what you picture in your mind when you think about what the future looks like once you’ve achieved those goals, that’s all the evidence you need. That’s the proof that you need to make your goals a priority and achieve them as soon as you can, by putting 100% in now.

If you need help along the way to achieving everything you’ve dreamt about and more, drop me an email at kam@kamjohal.com, and let’s have a chat.



Kam Johal

Coaching Reimagined | I want to help you create the best life you can possibly have. I’m not here to create dependency, I’m here to get you to the next level!