My Journey Beating Alcoholism Was Never Easy

Kam Johal
3 min readJan 11, 2021


The Journey Hasn’t Been Easy

In the summer of 2018, I came to the conclusion that I was not happy with many aspects of my life. Although to the outside world, it was business as usual but on the inside, I was truly running on empty. Mind you, it wasn’t the first time I felt like this — but this time, the feeling was much stronger!

My personal relationships were at an all-time low and my businesses were no longer a motivation for me. I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s ever felt like this. So

I decided something had to be done before it was too late. I sat myself down and brainstormed the choices I had. I guess you could say it was a red pill or blue pill moment…

To continue my current lifestyle (easy, no effort required) or to change my life (lots of pain and effort required).

The one factor that was always there in any decision-making was alcohol. It was there to commiserate the losses and it was there to celebrate all the wins. My mindset at the time was very much in that there’s a drink (or 10) for every occasion, no matter what mood I was in. But then it became dependable and I wasn’t going to take full control. So I decided, that in order to succeed, I would have to ditch the alcohol and I’m happy to say that was back in July 2018!

I truly missed my friend alcohol so much at first, and even suffered some withdrawal symptoms that led me to think about going back. But I resisted. As every day passed, I missed my friend less and less. Since then, there have been many challenges over the last couple years but I’ve faced them (all without alcohol). I can proudly say I survived and then some!

Today, it’s a way of life and I cannot think of anything worse than drinking anything alcoholic again… Ever!

We’re all going through challenging times at the moment with the pandemic and the recession, and for some alcohol may be the only coping strategy. For some, alcohol will seem to be the only friend right now — I’ll be honest with you, I know what I would have been doing if I was still drinking. A couple of wines every night with my dinner then maybe a couple brandies before bed. But I’m very happy to say that is not me anymore and the alcohol hasn’t got a hold of me, I beat it.

I’ve always thought there would be a time when I would be able to offer support to others, and I proudly get to say that that time is now!

Are You Struggling Right Now?

If you’re having problems with alcohol abuse or anything worse, I’d like to say I’m here for you. I’m offering a new life coaching programme this year that can give you all the guidance you need, and I’ll be holding your hand the whole journey. Please email me at or message me on any of my Kam Johal social media profiles. My aim this year is to help as many people as I can get to where they want to be. This high-performance coaching programme is for anyone wanting to make changes now so they have the life they want for themselves and for their family tomorrow.

Have a blessed day and know you’re not alone.



Kam Johal

Coaching Reimagined | I want to help you create the best life you can possibly have. I’m not here to create dependency, I’m here to get you to the next level!