The Best Investment You Can Make Is In Your Own Education

Kam Johal
4 min readJan 12, 2021


Business Has Evolved

We all have issues and a story that goes with them. Mine was alcohol and everything that went with it, what’s yours?

Over the last two years I’ve been mentoring clients, they came to me to set up or expand their property business, or so they thought!!

What transpired was that most did not really know what a business was. How could they succeed at property without that knowledge, it was like building a train (property) and not having a track to run it on. It would simply go nowhere!!

So I started teaching the setting up of a business that happens to deal in property. The six pillars of success, all good so far!

I then discovered that clients had life issues that were blocking them from the changes they needed to make in order to set up a successful property business- remember I said successful, there was nothing to stop them from setting a business, anybody can do that, the problem was making it a success!!

So we ended up spending time sorting out the clutter, bad habits, negative belief systems, unsupportive relationships, you get the picture.

Another area of concern was money, school and parents just don’t seem to educate us about money, where it comes from, how to attract more of it and how to handle it when we get it.

What started off as a simple property mentorship programme developed into a complete one year life and business transformation journey.

But the results have been outstanding, my clients are far happier, better educated and are finally breaking through previous barriers with a new found purpose that was simply not there previously, most importantly they understand why they are doing what they do, and that’s called purpose.

What’s that got to do with the price of bread?

Well, there are two problems. The work is time-consuming on my part, only one client at a time which means there are only a few clients that I can work with as there are only so many hours in the day. It’s expensive on my client's part, up to £30,000 so it’s not accessible to everyone. I thought how can I save time and take on more clients? Make it far more accessible with a killer price, so more people can access the information needed to succeed in their life and business because after all, that’s what we all want isn’t it? No one wants a business for its own sake, do they? It’s to have a better life!!

Who Am I Looking To Work With?

I’m looking to transform the lives of just 100 people this year and to work on 4 keys areas:





We will be covering the same material, you will have the same access to me with over 25 years of small business and finance experience but at a fraction of the price, my private clients pay! It’s a 1-year program where we will be lifting the lid on the key areas to make your life and business a success that you can be proud of, quit your job if you still have one, grow an existing business, and live life on your terms.

There is a strict selection process and not everyone will get in, I’m initially looking for a few people to pilot the program so the investment will be relatively low, there is an investment to be made, but it’s in yourself, and as Warren Buffet says, the best investment you can make is in your own education!

I will initially speak to you on a phone call and arrange a follow-up zoom call if the initial call is positive. The zoom meeting will last up to two hours and the end of which you will have gained valuable knowledge about yourself and I will know if you and I are a good fit. If I offer you a place you should be ready to make the small investment that will be required, no pain no gain as they say!

I understand this is not for everyone and I respect that, there are those who do not believe in coaching or that they should have pay for it. But you should also know I’m not a coach for just anyone. I can’t want it for anybody, the hunger and want is what you need to bring, if you have those, you can leave the rest to me.

Good luck with whatever you decide 2021 will bring you!



Kam Johal

Coaching Reimagined | I want to help you create the best life you can possibly have. I’m not here to create dependency, I’m here to get you to the next level!